Best Time To Visit Tehran
All travelers believe that the destination’s weather forecast is one of the most important before trip tips and helps to pack for the journey efficiently. Also, to arrange the day by day tour plan, you should know the days’ duration in your destination. Consequently, as Tehran is one of the must-visit cities in the land of Persia, the information about Tehran weather is very useful for all travelers to Iran. Also if you want to get more information about Iran weather and climate and find the answers to frequently asked questions about this issue, you can take a look at Iran Weather Page.

When to Go Tehran

Spring in Tehran
The best time to visit Tehran is during Nowruz Holiday (about March 20th till April 1st or further). During this time, on the one hand, Tehran weather is delightful. On the other hand, as most Tehran inhabitants go on a trip, its usual traffic chaos is replaced by calm. Accordingly, you will have the opportunity to visit numerous Tehran attractions whit no rush at this time. At the same time, the bustle of the capital and the air pollution would not bother you. However, the beauty of nature and mild weather lasts till the end of May. Besides, during the last days of April, the International Book Fair is held in Tehran.

Autumn in Tehran
Notably, Tehran weather is mild from September till early November. So, you can choose autumn for Tehran visit, which in addition to being beautiful, is cheaper than Nowruz.

Winter in Tehran
On the other hand, housing several ski resorts, Tehran is heaven for ski lovers during winter. Therefore, you can enjoy skiing in the mountains around Tehran from January till March.

Summer in Tehran
As summer is hot in Tehran, June, July, and August are the least preferred months by tourists. However, the travel expenses in the summer season are at the lowest.
Tehran Climate in Detail
Here you can find precise details on Tehran Climate. In short, the annual average temperature in Tehran is about 17.8°C. In this regard, the warmest month of the year is July, with an average temperature of 31.3°C. The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of 1.7°C. Besides, Tehran Annual Average Length of Day is 12:36 hours.
Finally, for more information about annual temperature, rainfall rate, and average sunset and sunrise times in different months, you can take a look at the charts in the below tabs.

Tehran Climate Info

Most Frequent Questions and Answers about Tehran Weather