Visiting Iran during Dubai Expo 2020

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Travel to Iran during Dubai Expo 2020

Dubai Expo 2020 and its proximity to Iran and the islands of Kish and Qeshm is a golden opportunity to visit Iran for Expo 2020 visitors.

In this article, you will see why Iran is an excellent destination for the Dubai Expo 2020 visitors. We also tell you how to travel from Dubai to Iran and visit Iran visa-free during Expo.

So, stay with us and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about traveling to Iran.

What is an Expo?

The Expo is one of the global exhibitions held every five years with economic and cultural approaches with the maximum presence of countries. Its participants seek the process of establishing trade, sales, purchase, supply, and entry into global markets.

The importance of Expo exhibition for countries has become so great that it is the third most important international event in the world after the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games; Hence, it is sometimes called the Olympics of Nations Culture.

Dubai Expo 2020

Dubai Expo 2020, with a one-year delay due to the coronavirus outbreaks, will be held from Oct 1, 2021, till Mar 31, 2022, in Dubai. More than 192 countries, including Iran, have been registered in this Expo, and it is expected that more than 25 million people visit it.

Notably, Iran attends the Expo 2020 event with the motto of “Iran, an Ancient and Stable Civilization with a Diversity of Ethnicities” to introduce the rich Iranian culture to the visitors. “

At Iran’s pavilion, Iran’s cultural heritage, handicrafts, UNESCO-registered sites, natural sites, traditional ceremonial practices are displayed in unique and exciting ways.

Why Iran Is an Ideal Destination for Dubai Expo 2020 Visitors?

  1. Iran is one of the nearest countries to EAU.
  2. The islands of Kish and Qeshm, with distances of 198 and 130 km, respectively, and with an air distance of less than 1 hour, are very close to Dubai. Since these islands are among the free trade zones, an Iran visa is not required to travel there.
  3. Iran is such a diverse destination that you can experience historical, cultural, natural, and food tourism in one trip.

How to Travel from Dubai to Iran during Expo 2020

As mentioned, Iran is one of the closest countries to Dubai, and if you plan to attend and visit the Dubai Expo, do not miss a trip to this dreamland.

Generally, travelers to Iran are divided into two categories:

1- passengers who do not need to obtain an Iran visa to enter Iran

2- Nationalities who must obtain an Iran visa before entry. 

The first category includes countries whose citizens can travel to all parts of Iran without obtaining a visa, i.e., Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Bolivia, Georgia, Malaysia, Venezuela, Armenia, Egypt, China, Oman, Hong Kong, and Macau. 

The second category consists of the nationals who need to obtain a visa to enter Iran. Notably, they can travel to the free trade zones of Kish and Qeshm without obtaining a visa. 

Important Note: Currently, the Iran tourist visa is not issued due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Accordingly, if you fall in the second category, you need to obtain a visa to visit Iran other than the visa-free islands (Kish and Qeshm). So you should apply for an Iran visa code first.

Then you can get your Iran visa upon arrival at Iran’s airports or the international ports. This visa is called an on-arrival or airport visa. 

Most nationalities can obtain Iranian airport visas except the US, England, Canada, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Somalia, Colombia, and Bangladesh passport holders.

The second way is to collect your Iran visa stamp at the Iran consulate in Dubai, which issues Iranian visas quickly. Interestingly, this method is applicable to all nationals.

Iran Destinations for Visitors of Dubai Expo 2020

Here, we introduce the Iran destinations that are suitable for Expo 2020 visitors. Obviously, you can travel from the mentioned cities to other parts of Iran, if you have time.

Travel from Dubai to Kish and Qeshm islands

The closest Iranian tourist destinations to Dubai are the islands of Qeshm and Kish, to which there are flights from Dubai. As mentioned, all nationals can travel to these islands without obtaining an Iran visa and stay there for up to 14 days. Also, Expo visitors can come to Iran and have a 24-hour trip to visit Kish and Qeshm visa-free.

Why Kish and Qeshm Islands are Interesting Destinations for Dubai Expo 2020 Visitors?

Hormozgan province in the south of Iran, known as the province of the islands, is located on the northern coast of the Persian Gulf. And its spectacular islands such as Kish, Qeshm, Hormoz, and Hengam are the most beautiful and best natural, cultural, historical, and food tourism destinations in southern Iran that you can visit without obtaining an Iran visa.

Kish Island

Kish Coral Island is a luxury beach resort where visitors can swim, stay in luxury hotels, shop in modern shopping malls, and enjoy a relaxed and relatively free local lifestyle. In addition, the Kariz Underground City, The Greek Ship, and Harireh Ancient City are among the historical attractions on the island.

Qeshm Island

Qeshm Island, the largest island in the Persian Gulf, is a genuinely different destination from Kish. It is a heaven for ecotourism tourists because it houses unique geological attractions. Accordingly, you can visit the vast mangrove forests, valleys, hills, canyons, caves, and exceptional beaches on the Qeshm Island Geopark, registered on the UNESCO-sponsored Geoparks list. In addition, there are small islands such as Hormoz, Naz, and Hengam near the main island of Qeshm, each of which houses natural attractions that are unique in the world.

Enter Iran by Sea from Dubai

If you are interested in sea voyages, there are two ways to enter Iran from the United States of Emirates.

1- Take a ferry from Dubai to the port of Lengeh in Iran on the north coast of the Persian Gulf. From Lengeh port, you can fly to Tehran or Shiraz or take a bus or taxi to Bandar Abbas and from there take a train, plane or bus and travel to other Iran cities.

2- From Sharjah, the capital of the UAE, take a ferry to Bandar Abbas in Iran, and from there, take a train, plane, or bus and travel to other Iran cities.

Flights from Dubai to Iran

In addition to the Qeshm and Kish islands mentioned above, you can travel from Dubai or Sharjah to other Iranian cities such as Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, and Mashhad.

Currently, the airlines operating in this route are Fly Dubai, Emirates, Qeshm Air, and Mahan Air.

Finally, if you have any questions or suggestions about visiting Iran during Dubai Expo 2020, kindly leave your comments below.

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